Friday, November 30, 2007

That time of the week again..

Well another week has passes.. I had an O.K week, trained legs and abs and did RPM Saturday, arms Sunday, chest and abs Monday, Tuesday I was a slacker, Wednesday I had the best back and shoulder workout I'm getting a lot stronger, Thursday was another slack day and so was today .. Need more focus. We bought a new car today a Dodge Avenger brand new, black one for my husband. That was exciting. I've had a bad week at work, they are really giving me the shits... I have a family holiday booked for 2 weeks in June to Queensland already booked and paid for and I put in for holidays last week. They came back to me today and said can you change the dates!!! Not bloody happy, stuff them I'm not changing. The quicker I can get my cert III and IV done the better.. :(
Next week I want to focus on training more, I just don't seem to have any motivation at the moment. It's probably the time of year, everything going on.. Can't wait till the new year and I start my count down to March.. Probably won't get time off to compete in Melbourne.... The stinkin job only gave me 4 days off to get married... I feel like screaming, I'm so crabby...
Tomorrow I'll train Legs, Bum and Abs then I have my work dinner and a hens night to attend!!! I'm the driver so it should be an interesting night. Sunday we'll do church and maybe go for a nice ride on the Harley. It's been beautiful weather in Tassie, I love summer!!!
Have a good weekend everyone,
I'll make sure I blog more next week. Keeps me accountable if I set small goals..

Take care xx

Monday, November 26, 2007

Photo of the Day

Jenny Lynn


Five things you probably don't know about me:

* My husband (Chris) and I met at the gym. We were together 2 months and he proposed to me in Bali we were married within 6 months of meeting. We've been together 18 months

* I work at Westpac Bank, but I'm a qualified hairdresser by trade, I worked as a hairdresser for 9 years starting when I was 15

* I lived in Melbourne for 2 years

* I've had a breast augmentation and a nose reconstruction

* I decided to compete after encouragement from my husband 8 months ago. I competed in my first comp at the INBA Vic Novice and won my first competition, after loosing 13kg.

I can't tag anyone I don't know enough people!!! LOL

Friday, November 23, 2007


Well it's the weekend again.. My favourite part of the week. I get to spend time with my husband and friends. Training in the morning, Legs, Abs and Bum. Need to build my toosh more. I think I have the smallest bum in the world. Every girls dream, but of course I would prefer a round hard behind!! Saturday night is a girls night, take away Thai and a video. Sunday I will go to Church with my hubby, and then we have a B.B.Q to go to. Time to enjoy the beautiful weather and life in general.. Only a few more weeks and everything will be revolving around March comp...

Train hard and eat well everyone. Take care xx

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I'm really interested in getting my personal training qualification in the next 12 months. I've been looking into it a few different courses but I'm not sure who to go with. If anyone reads this blog and has any info or advice for me let me know.

Trained Back and Shoulders last night, felt them this morning which made me smile!!! Love it

Chest and Bum tomorrow

Take care :o)

Monday, November 19, 2007

I've been tagged...

Four dishes I like to cook:1. Spag Bol 2. Lasagna 3. Steak and Veggies 4. Berry Trifle Four qualities I love in people:1. Honesty 2. Trust 3. Determination 4. Thoughtfulness Four Places I have been:1. Bali 2. Queensland 3. Melbourne 4. Sydney (not very exciting) Four things in my bedroom:1. Bed 2. Too many clothes 3. Fitness Magazines and Video's 4. My husband as often as I can!! LOL
Four dirty words I like to use:1. I'm too nice to swear!! Ha Ha. I call everyone Bitch in a nice way... Take care Bitches!! 2. 3. 4.

I think this is what i was meant to do.. Hope it's OK.. Thanks Shar :o)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Photo of the day


I counted how many weeks my next competition is, and I was shocked to see it was only 18 weeks away!! I'm very excited about getting on stage and hopefully qualifying to compete in Queensland at Nationals in October next year. I have a friend Karen Flaherty travelling to compete in INBA Natural Olympia tomorrow and I hope she does well and enjoys every minute of her experience. I'm hoping to compete next year at the same competition but it's in Mexico next year.

Training: Going well, trained LEGS and ABS on Saturday and did PILATE'S. Sunday I went to the gym and did my first RPM class since my competition then I followed that by a PUMP class. Today I trained ARMS and did 15min sprint/walks on the treadmill.

Eating: Going OK, better now it's nice weather. It's so much easier to eat salad when it's hot. 60kg at the moment 5kg gained since comp, but feel great very strong. Would like to maintain this weight until I start dieting again so I can leave dieting as late as possible to hold as much muscle as I can. I lost quite a bit of size last time, I was quite surprised!! Still enjoying my one day a week at having whatever I feel like. Will start cutting things out of diet on New Years Day..

Friday, November 16, 2007

You know you're a figure competitior when...

You know you're a figure competitior when...
1.For a few days each year your toilet seat is brown and this time it aint the husbands fault.
2.You can honestly say you have spent more on a bathing suit than your wedding dress.
3.Six inch clear hooker heels is your footwear of choice in your own home (and not just in the bedroom).
4.Someone asks about the man in your life and you tell that Gym is fine!
5.You have two sections in your wardrobe. Contest and Offseason. And they arent mix and match. (Rae's note: not with my coach it isn't… there is no off-season… LOL!!)
6.Your top three priorities on any given day:A. Workout.B. Eat. Clean.C. Check the fitness forum board.Not necessarily in that order.
7.You can name any pro figure competitor by seeing her butt alone.
8.When someone wants to take your picture, you immediately spread your lats, tighten every muscle in your body, point your fingers and SMILE!
9.You take more pills daily than your 80 year old grandmother.
10.Your idea of dressing up is taking your hair out of the pony tail its been in for a week.
11.If you have had someone close to you, hide food from you in your own house.
12.An easy day is lifting and only 1 cardio session.
13.Instead of carrying a Gucci pursue you accessorize with a Coleman cooler.
14.Waking up so sore you can barely move puts a smile on your face.
15.You cant do any work because you are to busy counting down the seconds until your next meal!!!!!!!!!
16.The faint smell of Pro Tan gets your heart pumping faster than your man's cologne.
17.You leave a little trail of Splenda packets, tupperware, and empty water bottles everywhere you go.
18.Your hubby makes you pee in the guest bathroom because every meal includes asparagus.
19.You consider Beano an essential part of your supplement regimen.
20.Your jaws are sore because you can't stop chewing sugar free gum!
21.You spend at least 5 minutes grilling your server at arestaurant, and another five minutes re-writing the menu until you've got a meal that meets your diet's specifications…and then you devour it in less than 60 seconds flat!!
22.You consider a day when you only have to make ONE trip to the gym a luxury!
23.You think about having "relaxed hands" and sticking your butt out while standing in line at the grocery store. (Hey, a girl's gotta practice her posing!!!)
24.You consider condiments and diet coke taboo!!! 25.And…your neighbors start gossiping that you've had lipo cause there is no way a girl could get that fit in 12 weeks!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Breast Augmentation

I have read a few blogs where people are having, have had,or want to have a breast augmentation. I thought I would share my experience with everyone, let me know if you have any questions.....
For me I have always loved boobs, and unfortunately I was not blessed with any of my own. If I had put on weight I had a small amount but if I lost weight they would be the first to go. (Shame love handles don't disappear as quickly!!)
I decided after a long term break up that I needed to do things I wanted, feeling like it had been a long time since that had happened, so I went out and bought a new car and Boobs!!
I met my now husband about 3 months before I had the appointment, I was straight up with him and told him what I was having done. I was stoked that he was in male heaven, with the idea!! You never know what people may think, but I was doing this for myself and that was that!!!
I had to decide on size and shape, I was so indecisive I left it up to my highly recommended surgeon to guide me through the process. He was great I wanted nice size breast without looking like a freak, but also didn't want to look like I hadn't had them done.
I decided on round, silicon, above the muscle 340 cc, my incisions were along the crease of the breast and now 9 months later there no more than a faint white line. They cost me $6000.00 including everything.
I was so excited before the surgery, I couldn't wait. The po took around 1 hour and when I was out of recovery all I wanted to do was sleep. I woke up the next day and could not wait to see my new best friends!!
I had my surgery at 6pm and was out of hospital by 10am the following day. A little bit stiff but not to bad the worst part was having the drains pulled out that lasted all of 20 seconds each side but it was a really funny feeling... I remember getting home and having a shower and looking down and I was in ore( I had cleavage for the first time ever!!) The pain was good I think I only had a couple of panadol over a period of 4 days, the hardest thing was getting dressed and un dressed. I only took a week off work, I felt great. There was slight bruising and swelling but all in all great outcome.
I got married about a month after surgery and look at how beautiful my dress looked with breasts!!
I went for 4 after surgery check ups and to now look at the before and after is funny because I can't remember now what it was like not to have them. The size was perfect if you saw me and didn't know me you would just think I had a great set of boobs, not oh look at her fake tits!! They fit my frame well and look very natural. Only when I dieted down for my competition you could tell with no clothes on they were fake. They looked very round without body fat and fluid over them. But because I love boobs I now wish they were bigger. But as my beautiful husband said " then you'd be just the girl with the big fake boobs and no one would bother to look at the beautiful person you are inside" he's right they don't need to be bigger, it must be you get used to them and other people see them as bigger than you think they are. Since my positive experience 5 people I know have had them done, all saying if it wasn't for me it would have only been a dream... All in all I love them and it's the best money I have ever spent. For the first time I found out how good it was to spend money on myself.. The men have their toys and now i've got mine!! LOL

Take care xx

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Goals for the Week

* Drink a minimum of 2L of water a day
* Buy next routine music
* Keep an eye on what I put in my mouth
* Put 100% into every training and cardio session
* Find someone to help with pre contest preparation
* Be a loving wife

Picture of the Day

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Week

Saturday I went to the gym and did legs and abs, body weight lunges, squats etc and a some standing and seated hamstring work. I can never seem to get a good enough ab workout, think I must be doing something wrong. I was sore on Sunday but not as sore as I would have liked for the amount I thought I worked them... Sunday I went for a walk with my dog for an hour, then I had a friends little girl's first birthday B.B.Q. I don't drink so this is an easier time of year for me than most, I enjoyed a nice salad and some steak then I went and picked Chris my husband up from the airport he was in Melbourne again.. I had Monday off work as I suffer from Meniere's Disease and had an attack Monday morning, I ended up spending the day with Chris we went for a long walk and went to the gym in the afternoon and worked bi's and tri's, there really sore today, I love training with Chris he pushes me harder than anyone but it feels great the next day knowing it's made a difference. Today I went for a run and now I'm at work for 10 hours, YAY. Tomorrow's day off also and it's back and shoulders with Chris. My eating has been not good, I just can't get motivated to keep eating clean. I've put on 2kg more than I wanted already and know I'm going to hate getting it back off after Christmas, ready for March. I really liked my body for about 4 weeks 3 before the comp and 1 after, it's amaizing how quickly it changes. I must hold a lot of fluid, I'm so smooth again... Wish I could hold it for longer, guess I just have to get used to the fact I cant eat shit!!! All the things I enjoy I will have to stay away from if I want to look good all the time.. Oh well the things we do. Take care everyone....

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Picture of the day

Hitting it hard

I'm back from Melbourne, had a ball except for the rain. It did not stop.. I've had dramas with the computer again, locked me out so I haven't been able to send the photo's to Charlotte (SORRY) Will get on to it A.S.A.P
I should not have access to computers I suck...
I'm going to have a play around today ant try and set my blog up as nice as you guy's... Any tips send them my way!!
I trained back and shoulders Wednesday night with my husband, he's the king of shoulders so we pushed the limit and I'm still feeling it, a good ache!!
Did 45min walk Thursday and Friday Heart Rate between 127 and 145.
Chris and I set training schedule for the next 6 weeks
Monday - Chest, Abs 45 min Cardio
Tuesday - 45 Cardio
Wednesday- Back and Shoulders, 45 min Cardio
Thursday- Arms, Abs, 45 min Cardio
Friday - 45 min Cardio
Saturday - Legs, Abs, 45 min Cardio
Sunday - Off
This is the plan, I need to keep trying to eat clean during the week and enjoy my Sundays as a free day of eating and workouts... Mind you I have decided to give up smoking as of this week so that's doing my head in also.. I feel like I have lost my best friend!! How ridiculous, it would be a lot easier if I felt 100 times better for not smoking, I feel like SHIT, but I'm hoping it will get better.. Going to the gym tomorrow with a friend that came to my competition with me, I think I gave her the bug, she wants to set a goal for 12 months and give it a go... I was in the local paper last week, It's amazing how many girls want to now do figure!! Not sure they fully understand the determination, effort and time that is put in, I had no idea before I started how much was involved, but I loved every minute of it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Off 2 Melbourne for the weekend

I'm going to Melbourne this weekend for my husbands bike club's national run, will start my training and eating blog next week to hold myself accountable for goals I set myself. I've had my little slack off after my comp now it's time to get down and dirty again!!! LOL Back to clean eating and one day off a week coming up.. Have a great weekend, enjoy the Melbourne Cup all you Victorians...